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How to Use an OD Tape on Ductile Iron Pipe

September 12, 2024


Measuring the outside diameter (OD) of a ductile iron pipe is crucial for proper installation, fitting, and maintenance in various construction and plumbing projects. One of the most efficient tools for this task is an OD tape, also known as an outside diameter tape or pipe tape measure. This tape allows for quick and accurate measurements of a pipe’s circumference, which can then be used to determine its diameter. In this article, we will discuss how to use an OD tape on ductile iron pipe, step by step.

ductile iron pipes

Understanding the Basics of OD Tape

Before diving into the actual process, it’s important to understand what an OD tape is and how it works. An OD tape is a flexible measuring tape specifically designed to measure the circumference of round objects like pipes. Unlike a standard tape measure, an OD tape is marked with diametrical measurements rather than linear ones. When you wrap the tape around the pipe, it provides a direct reading of the pipe’s diameter, eliminating the need for complex calculations.

Using an OD tape on ductile iron pipe is straightforward and ensures accurate results, but it's essential to follow the correct procedure to avoid errors.

Steps for Using an OD Tape on Ductile Iron Pipe

Step 1: Prepare the Pipe Surface

Before measuring, ensure that the surface of the ductile iron pipe is clean and free of debris, dirt, or rust. Any material on the surface could affect the accuracy of the measurement. Use a wire brush or a clean cloth to wipe the surface if needed. This will help the tape lie flat against the pipe, ensuring a more precise reading.

Step 2: Position the OD Tape Correctly

Unroll the OD tape and position it around the section of the pipe where you wish to measure the diameter. Make sure that the tape is placed perpendicular to the length of the pipe, so it forms a perfect loop around the circumference. If the tape is angled, it can result in inaccurate measurements. Holding the tape firmly, align the zero mark on the tape with the circumference measurement on the other end of the tape.

Step 3: Ensure the Tape is Tight and Flat

While measuring, make sure that the OD tape is tight and flat around the ductile iron pipe. If the tape is too loose or if it is twisted, the reading will be inaccurate. Pull the tape snugly around the pipe and ensure that it lays flat against the surface. Wrinkles or overlaps in the tape should be avoided.

Step 4: Read the Measurement

Once the OD tape is tightly wrapped around the pipe, look at the reading on the tape where the zero mark meets the other side of the tape. This number will give you the outside diameter of the ductile iron pipe in inches (or millimeters, depending on the tape’s units). Most OD tapes provide readings in standard pipe diameters, making it easy to identify the correct size of the pipe without having to perform additional calculations.

Step 5: Double-Check for Accuracy

For accuracy, it’s always a good idea to take a second measurement. Re-wrap the OD tape around the ductile iron pipe and check the reading once more. This will ensure that the measurement is consistent and reliable. Double-checking the measurement can help avoid costly errors during installation or fitting.

Why Accurate Measurement Matters

Using an OD tape on ductile iron pipe provides an accurate way to determine the outside diameter, which is essential for proper pipe fitting and compatibility with other components. Accurate measurements ensure that the right couplings, valves, and fittings are selected, reducing the risk of leaks, malfunctions, or improper installation. This is especially important in water, gas, and sewage applications where the integrity of the piping system is critical.

Tips for Using OD Tape on Ductile Iron Pipe

- Always make sure the tape is clean and free from any damage before use.

- Ensure the pipe is dry, as moisture can cause the tape to slip, resulting in incorrect measurements.

- If working in cold conditions, take extra care as the tape might stiffen, making it harder to wrap smoothly around the pipe.

- Store the OD tape properly after use to maintain its accuracy and longevity.


Using an OD tape on ductile iron pipe is an efficient and accurate method for measuring pipe diameter. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can ensure precise measurements, which are essential for successful pipe installation and fitting. Taking the time to measure correctly reduces the risk of errors, saving time and money in the long run.

If you need more information on using an OD tape or require assistance from a trusted supplier, feel free to contact us. We are here to help with all your measurement and piping needs.